The Butler County Young Professionals is a distinguished assembly of driven individuals employed at Butler County Organizations, who are embarking on promising careers, recognized as future leaders within the county, deeply committed to their community, and devoted to shaping a brighter future for all in Butler County. This dynamic group was established in 2008, grounded in the following principles: community service, mentorship, professional development, and fostering social connections.
Annual Initiatives:
Ghouls for Good: Now celebrating its 8th year, this initiative operates as a costume shop, providing free Halloween costumes to underprivileged children in Butler County. Remarkably, nearly 2,500 Halloween costumes have been generously donated thus far.
Monthly Mixers: These events are a cornerstone of our community engagement strategy and are open to all at no cost. Held at a variety of rotating bars, restaurants, and breweries across Butler County, they serve as a platform for young professionals to network and connect.
Mentorship: In collaboration with Butler County Community College and Slippery Rock University, our Young Professionals actively engage with students in business classes, enlightening them about the myriad opportunities that lie ahead. Additionally, we are proud to be partners with the Butler County Youth Leadership Program, where we serve as mentors to participating students. Our role encompasses assisting these students with vital aspects such as college and career selection, networking, and other facets of professional development.
Community Engagement: Our commitment to the community extends to volunteering at various events hosted by nonprofit organizations, assisting them in carrying out their vital missions.
The governance of the Young Professionals is overseen by a Board of Managers, composed of young professionals representing diverse industries within the county. This ensures a well-rounded perspective and effective leadership for our dynamic group.